When Someone Dies
Funeral Costs
- The coffin or casket
- The removal
- Funeral hearse
- Limousine cars
- Professional services: includes embalming and preparation of the deceased
- Making all the necessary arrangements for cremation or burial including guidance, direction and advice
- In the case of cremation, obtaining and completion of statutory forms by the deceased’s own Doctor, an independent doctor, a Justice of the Peace and the Family
- Use of rest rooms and/or funeral church
- Arranging for the services of clergy/speaker and organist (if using our funeral church) at the funeral service
- Assisting in compiling obituary notices and inserting the same in newspapers on days required and uploading onto our website
- Preparing and attending to all necessary documentation
- Making and receiving telephone calls, paying fees on your behalf
- Receiving administering and acknowledging donations
- A fair proportion of the cost associated with insurance, heat and light, vehicles, premises and the provision of staff on call 24/7-365 days per year
The account is normally sent out 2 weeks after the funeral.
Related Information
All enquiries are welcome, 24 hours a day, either in person, at our premises,or by calling
028 9756 2366