Funeral Plans
Funeral Plans
Buy a pre-planned & pre-paid funeral plan online with our funeral plan provider, Ecclesiastical Planning Services. Or visit us for a private appointment.
For many people, planning their funeral is becoming normal, as they get to choose the type of funeral they would like instead of other people trying to guess. Many people have personal experience of bereavement and do not want their loved ones to go through the strain of having to make arrangements.
We offer a personally tailored service giving you peace of mind in the knowledge that everything has been arranged.
The funeral director will discuss your wishes for the funeral with you. These details/arrangements are kept on our files with copies retained by yourself and a person nominated by you. All payments are made after the funeral has taken place, either by the family or from the estate.
You can choose to plan your funeral arrangements and make provision for the costs in advance. Your payment will be held in a whole of life assurance policy until needed.
Terms and conditions apply to funeral plans – please ask for details.
Click below to visit the website of Ecclesiastical Planning Services, our funeral plan provider, for information about our set plans and to purchase online
We are an Appointed Representative of Ecclesiastical Planning Services Limited Reg. No. 2644860
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Choose a funeral plan that suits you
Talk to us first
All enquiries are welcome, 24 hours a day, either in person, at our premises,or by calling
028 9756 2366