Funeral Plans
Pre Arranged
If you have recently suffered the sadness of a bereavement, you will quite likely have had to suffer the additional pain and uncertainty of arranging the funeral for one you have loved, but with whom you had never discussed funeral arrangements.
• What would they want, burial or cremation?
• At home or at a church?
• What hymns to choose?
• What coffin shall I choose?
Things To Consider
At Douglas Funeral Director’s we can assist you in ensuring that your loved ones do not have to endure this additional pain by pre-arranging your funeral with you. Ensuring that your wishes are noted down exactly and kept on file. A copy/copies can be given for your family and one to be kept with your Will.
Payment is then made once the funeral has taken place by the family, or from your estate in the usual manner.
Click below to visit the website of Ecclesiastical Planning Services, our funeral plan provider, for information about our set plans and to purchase online
We are an Appointed Representative of Ecclesiastical Planning Services Limited Reg. No. 2644860
Related Information
Choose a funeral plan that suits you
Talk to us first
All enquiries are welcome, 24 hours a day, either in person, at our premises,or by calling
028 9756 2366